
I wanted to write a quick post about gratitude mostly for my own sake, but I’m grateful for anyone who’s reading it (: Leaving my wonderful Chapel Hill bubble and entering the working world in Raleigh was a tough transition. But to better embrace this new normal, I wanted to start consciously acknowledging the things that I am grateful for. I had seen a few articles around this time about the benefits of being grateful, and while some people may not think these benefits can be tied definitively back to being more grateful (myself included), it can only improve your life/perspective and make you happier. Some of these benefits include:

  • gratitude-journalStronger immune system
  • Better sleep and increased energy
  • More confidence
  • Deeper relaxation
  • Easier bounce back from tough situations
  • Improved mental health
  • Better relationships

Over a month ago I decided to write down 3 things that I was grateful for each day… unfortunately I’ve only done it about 10 times. But it’s better than nothing right? And hopefully this post will keep me more accountable for doing it since it’s now out in the world. I hope you and I both are able to appreciate the little things a little more! Let me know your thoughts on gratitude and anything you do to be more appreciative.